Right now the business world will be changed forever. As I’m writing this there are thousands of businesses in Pennsylvania that are one full week into an almost complete lock out from work. The COVID-19 virus has prompted the Governor of PA, and many other states, to stop all non-life-sustaining business immediately.
At that point businesses of all kinds are trying to figure out how to work remotely, and how to keep their businesses afloat. Right now, we have no idea when we can get back to “life as normal” but we do know that there will be a “new normal” for the upcoming months and possibly years.
While we may be able to go back to our offices soon, we also know that travel, meetings, events and discussions may have to be altered in one way or another. How many people can be in a room together? How safe is airport travel? How about hotel stays? Will quarantines come back months from now after I’ve scheduled another meeting?
Video conferencing is an answer to all of these questions and has been used for years with software like Go-to-meeting, Zoom, Skype and others as a convenient way to collaborate remotely. But now it could be even more important.
Premiere Audio Video has many ways to either enhance your current conference room, or to create an entirely new collaboration space. We have everything from a 4 person “Huddle Space” system to an Atlona Velocity touchscreen controlled video switching system with HD PTZ cameras.
Our conferencing systems are designed around each clients needs, to be reliable and of the highest quality. For a free consultation call us today at 724-542-2411 or email us at premiereav@gmail.com
A system example and some of our recent installations are shown below: